Let's Talk HD FPV

Hey guys. I've been getting into FPV lately, and am interested in building a long-range setup with an HD video downlink. You've probably heard of DJI's Lightbridge by now (and if you haven't, Google it!) which sounds very promising to me. However, it's also gotten me curious as to what other setups I could use, and how far I could push them. This community is quite knowledgable, and I've got a lot of money that I'm willing to throw around, so I have a question for you:

If you had $10,000 to play with, what setup would you build for a long-range HD FPV build? I'm not so much concerned with the drone itself (I haven't decided if I'd like to use a quad/hex/oct or a prop plane for this project yet) but am more interested in the choice of camera, gimbal, and video tx/rx. It would be really cool if night vision and IR footage could be captured as well. Maybe even a multi-camera setup?

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