letters and numbers on CLI

i bought apm2.6, setup on quad x config., i flew it many times. last time i flown it crash and broke 1 arm. when i connect my apm on my laptop, its ok running on right baud rate, when i open to terminal, com port ok,but when i try to hit reboot, my board initialize then i can see a bunch of letters and numbers just keep going down.is my board damage or some of its components not working well? i already try to reset and erase but still got same message on terminal

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  • Admin


    Have you tried hitting "Enter" three times when you start seeing the letters and numbers?


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

    • 3702471687?profile=original3702471246?profile=originalhi tried it again it stop when hit enter 3x

      so what does it mean?is my board ok?

      • Admin


        If you get the CLI prompt with the Arducopter firmware version, then that means the APM is responding to the CLI connection and you can use the various Test commands to ascertain the health of your APM components.


        TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

        • just now i update my board to the new  firmware 3.1.2. now i can test my baro, compass, and gps. before this when i hit gps test, it just hang up. even i exit nothing happen. now the latest firmware seems working well on my board. later i will try to test flight it.

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