
I was wondering if anyone on here has ever worked with or knows much about the VLP-16 with the Pixhawk 2.1 and Here+ RTK GPS. I'm currently working on a project and have built a quad copter using the PIxhawk and Here and now I'm wanting to attach a LiDAR sensor on it for 3D mapping. I cannot afford a LiDAR complete solution and was wanting to know if they will work together as is or what other parts I may need or alternative options for a LiDAR sensor. 

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  • Hi
    This is the page in ardupilot.org about LIDAR
    It is used for object avoidance but maybe somebody else can tell you if you can use it for 3D Mapping
    ArduPilot Open Source Autopilot
    The most advanced open source autopilot for use by both professionals and hobbyist. Supports multi-copters, planes, rovers, boats, helicopters, ante…
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