Lightware SF02 on APM 2.6?

I am interested in adding some form of range finder to my multi-rotor which is running on a HK APM 2.7 with AC3.2 firmware


i have heard mixed reports from local users about SONAR and a few hav advised to use Lidar if possible so i decided to do a little research and am now a little confused about compatibiltiy, the user guide shows that the Maxbotix sonar sensors will work in analog mode with AC3.2 and it also shows using the Lightware SF02 in the same physical configuration & the same parameters require setting up, albeit with diffferent values. the only configuration differences i can see are:

RNGFND_MAX_CM  = "700/1000" for maxbotix or "4000" for LF02

RNGFND_SCALING = "2.04" for maxbotix or "12.12” for LF02

RNGFND_RMETRIC = "1" for Maxbotix or “0” for LF02


Both Sensors use the same values for RNGFND_TYPE and RNGFND_PIN


So it looks as if the two devices output a similar signal which makes me wonder why the SF02 is not listed as being compattible with the APM2.X / AC3.2 combo.


Can anyone explain why this is?


Thanks in advance.


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