Lipo Batteries in Hawaii

Hi There,

 i have a trip planned to Honolulu next week for a month and will take my Quad with me.

However i cant take Lipo's on the plane so does anyone know where i can buy Lipos in Hawaii ?

Specifically 1 of 3S 4000mah 30 C and 2 of 3S 900mah

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  • You can carry on your Lipo batteries on most airlines.
    Where in Hawaii are you coming to?
    We have several different islands here so it won't help to give you a hobby shop on the wrong island.
    Perhaps I could loan you a battery for your stay.
    I live on Oahu in Kailua.
    • Hi Iskess,

       thanks for the reply.

      I'm with Jetstar (from Australia) and they are pretty strict about no Lipos.

      Will be in Waikiki for a month.

      Nice of you to offer a battery loan but i would prefer to buy if possible.


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