
  • Developer

    I don't have these new "Nano" packs but, The eariler blue versions are working fine. Mine came with XT60 connectors, or 4mm barrel same as above. (Please cycle your new battery and register them with HC to find any defects in warranty period.)

     I have 2200 mAh 4sl, 2600 mAh 3s , and 3000 mAh 3s, all were cycled and data recored on  a Thunder AC6 charger ( I use eStation software found on RC Groups), 

    These new "Nano" technology units should perform much better, but some have been reported as defective. Probably due to over discharge.

    If you order one,  let us know how it works out.

  • They are great, and these days by far the most used batteries worldwide.

    Just buy a few, i have switched my complete battery range to Zippys and Turnigy Batteries..


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