I have got my quad to the stage where it will fly and i get about 7 minutes runtime from my 11.1v 1800mah Lipo. I wanted to try and extend the runtime so i purchased a 11.1v 4000mah Lipo. The first time i flew the quad with the new battery the quad rocketed away into the sky, it seemed to have sooo much power. When i got it back on the ground the ESCs were quite hot.
My understanding was that the motors will only draw what they need. With the 1800mah Lipo everything worked as expected and nothing got hot. Once I changed it for the 4000mah Lipo the motors seemed to draw loads more power for the Lipo causing the ESCs to heat up.
I am running TURNIGY SK35-36 kv910 310W BRUSHLESS OUTRUNNERS.
My question is this. What is the correct setup should I be running the 4000mah Lipo with these motors or will they just draw whatever current they can until they burn out?
What are the batteries' C ratings? Assuming they're roughly the same, the larger battery will be able to feed the motors more power. The smaller battery could be the limiting factor.
Also, Turnigy SK motors are to be avoided. Bearings, coils, incorrect numbers in their datasheet, etc. Dozens of threads on rcgroups and here.
they get hotter because you fly more "aggressive", so everything is normal