lipo positions

hello, I just bought two large capacity 6s lipos and was planning to use them on my hexacopter. however, there is some positioning issues which I'm not quite clear about, so it would be most helpful if someone can help clarify that.

The lipo should be placed at the CG of the drone with no doubt, however, my impression of many drones indicates that most uses tend to strap the lipo along the heading of the drone, and not the other way around. I wonder if there is any specific reason especially from physics why we would place it in this way, because technically place the lipo across the heading can also locate the CG. One reason I can think of, if it's the latter situation, it probably would be more less accurate for locating the CG, and also would require more accurate flight control since the moment arm of gravity would be much shorter in the heading direction (please correct me if I'm wrong),

many thanks for the help in advance,

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  • T3


    You may orient the batteries in any way you wish.  I have personal experience mounting them "sideways" not facing along the forward axis.  It has no effect.  Placing them forward is likely due to convention only.  Keep in mind that arducopter by default in auto mode aligns the front of the vehicle with the direction of travel.  But in truth, multicopters are omnidirectional, they work equally well in any direction.  There may be some noticeable effects from having batteries further from CG in one axis than the other, but I have never seen them and if you are not extreme I doubt you will either.

    • that's very helpful, thanks Stephen!

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