Listing problem on Pixhawk

Dear friends,We purchased a Hmf U580 drone with Pixhawk FC . Everything seems fine after setting up and we are got getting any error from Mission planer or from Qgroundcontrol ( we tested on both platforms ) .But when i try to list the drone up , it seems that its not getting enough power or not balancing itself enough to list properly.I am sharing the log file with you and asking help to understand the issue with the drone.Thanks for your help in advance .


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  • Moderator

    It seems to be under powered. From my experience 700kv motors with 12x5.5 props would need at least a 4S battery not a 3S battery depending on the weight. What is the all up weight of the quad? Have you tried 100% throttle?

    Power according to the graph at one point is only 122W which is not much, also your voltage at that point is 10.4V which is low for a 3 cell after just a small amount of use.

    You could use bigger propellers but I think then you may still not have enough power so to try a 4 cell battery would be the best solution.

    There could be a control problem too but if you can't lift off then you can't see that.

  • Dear Graham ,
    Yes, it cant lift and fly .
    You can see Log file details on this site :

    Here are the list of the components of the drone;
    HMF U580 Totem Series RC Quadcopter Frame 4 Axle Foldable frame
    XT-XINTE HYD3508 700KV motor
    HOBBYWING Platinum-30A-Pro 2-6S 30A Speed Controller ESC
    12x5.5 3K Carbon Fiber Propeller
    PX4 Flight Controller
    CNC GPS Anti-interference Antenna Mount Holder
    APM 2.6 2.5 2.52 Power Module Current Module T plug
    RadioLink AT10 2.4Ghz 10CH RC Transmitter with R10D Receiver
    XT-XINTE 11.1V 5200MAH 30C battery

    Even i am increasing throttle more than %60-70 , power is not getting increasing properly. Engines are getting faster intermittently but not spinnng fast enough and in balance.

    I tried to make ESC calibration many times with different ways but no success.

    Thanks in advance for your interest.
    Flight Review
  • Moderator

    List as in not hovering level? Or do you mean "Lift", if it's lift then we'll need more info: battery, ESC, motors, props, weight, etc

    BTW, that file is not a normal log format, it should have a .bin or .log extension.

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