
  • Make a shortcut and run it as administrator. Works for me.

  • Developer

    I'm not sure what version you are using, but try this one apm_planner_2.0.19-rc4_win.exe

    There aren't any newer builds, it something we need to fix, or you can build from the source code.

    • Well Bill tnx for the come back, I downloads your rc4 version it to got rejected window after some tries to get the software running rejects it as not compatible i went though there brief diagnostics routine but the overall outcome was

      rejection on the grounds that the software is foreign to windows environment mmmmm! now what Bill being a non

      computer type of close to eighty years of age I find myself at a loss. Suggestions Bill?

      Dave J

      PS I have an old dell machine it runs on that ok but so slow! (window 7)

      • Developer

        Run the installer as an Administrator. Would be my guess.

        • Well Bill having loaded the program into the correct location in windows I tried running as a administrator

          NO icon came up to indicate that the program existed. So I went into the c: drive and ran the program directly from the exe file, it worked but still no icon on the command screen, so I clicked and drag the exe file to the bottom bar on the screen it then showed up the AP Icon and the machine operates from that Icon so far But there is still a problem for you developer guy's cause windows still does not recognize

          the program from the initial load I plugged a apm flight controller into the usb port and low it said ok I changed the i/o port to com six and away it went as happy as you like.


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