Loading to Main Board

I am attempting to load the code to a Sparkfun main board, no shield (we have one but are in the middle of trouble shooting some issues).  The load time took several minutes and at the end I received the following error:


avrdude: stk500_paged_write(): (a) protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x64
avrdude: failed to write flash memory, rc=-4


Any ideas on what to do?  Already checked the main list of error problems and we are following them all.  Any help is appreciated.



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  • Developer

    Try pushing the reset button on the APM just after the message, "Uploading X bytes of Y maximum" appears at the bottom of the arduino IDE.


    Also make sure your board is set to the 1280...I think this is in the tools menu of the arduino IDE.

  • 3D Robotics
    You went through ALL of these troubleshooting steps? How, for example, are you powering the board?
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