Log/Personnel Management Online App

Hi guys,

I am currently working on a log and UAV personnel management system for my company(and the community) and I would love to have your input.

I have so far christened the application TechLog because of its association with the opensource Techpod community project :)

When completed(version 1.0) the application will be able to:

1. Allow admins/company/uav managers to add personnel to the database

2. Allow personnel to be assigned to UAV teams or units

3. Set the role of personnel in a unit e.g. unit commander, pilot, engineer, technician

4. Create modules/components e.g. servos, autopilot, battery etc.

5. Assign these modules/components to a UAV system

6. Create missions

7. Assign units to missions

8. Assign a UAV system to a mission

9. Assign logs to missions once a mission has been completed

10. View maps and past logs through the system(online)

10.  Provides a module tracking system that can tell you when you need to service each individual UAV component/part

11. provide a profile that allows you to track the growth in experience of a pilot/engineer e.g. the pilot's flight experience

12. Ties manufacturers/suppliers with their customers, allowing manufacturers to check log files if a fault/crash is recorded and diagnose the potential problem without needing to be at the location of the crash

13. Provides analytics and comparison between flights including duration and the number of personnel used.

My aim is to standardize the whole process of UAV log management and provide a platform through which persons can efficiently manage their company personnel and systems regardless of size.

What do you guys think? I have an early form of the project up on github https://github.com/herrhorace/Techlog have done major updates since then and will be updating github in a few days.

The application is built on the cakephp framework

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