hi everybody
I have a problem my quad wobbles not too much in loiter modes and rtl while it is stable in althold and stabilize modes.
it weighs 4.5 kgs, pixhawk 2.8, arducopter 4.0.7, I did the compass calibration but not the compassmot as I don't have current monitoring.
as I reviwed the logs, it appears that everything is good. anyway, the log file talks :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c_eGZPdoa15IQBO9BgEGWW9mqvSj4qpZ/view?usp=sharing
and the parameters file is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mAO4TtmussCE3Xfalnw6ToC3x4ywqfXv/view?usp=sharing
please what might be the cause?
thx in advance