long flight times

I'm new to the UAV community but I have an interest in meeting the power needs of lightweight UAV tools, hobby items, toys etc.Would some of you mind exposing me to what you like and dislike about your options currently available? Or, perhaps your thoughts on an ideal power source?thanks, lw

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  • Maybe you could expand on what you have available! UAV's are infinate in their requirements depending on a variety of factors too numerous to list here. Usually when one has anything of profound value to offer, one should have all the answers, not the questions.
  • 1 guy got a glider to stay up for quite a long time by automatically detecting thermals. It required just the right weather & just the right geography. It was on a government grant, before GM was considered green tech. Probably Attopilot can/will do it.

    There was also a lot of hype over beamed energy, around 2005. Maybe if the aircraft came with a flame proof suit, the user could blast it with one of those new 14kW lasers to power it.
  • 3D Robotics
    Basically, we have gas for long flight times (noisy, messy), electric for short flight times (heavy, expensive), and nothing in the fuel cell or solar space that's practical, economically or in terms of size and form factor, for most people. A better, cheaper fuel cell option would be cool, but it's been hard to satisfy the instantaneous load requirements without a lot of weight. .
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