long rang/ raspberry pi/ radio modem

hope all are well!

i am fairly new to the ardupilot and arduino for that matter so have not started my drone until i have a pretty good idea of what i am doing. i have been thinking about how i would go about getting the longest range possible im talking LONG range 100km+. i have looked into radio modems and mobile routers but have not found many as of yet so if anyone can recommend one that would be great! now this brings me to my next question, has anyone implemented this Raspberry Pi into there system? its such a powerful product in terms of size and design to not have any use in a drone.

i have been considering using the raspberry pi with the APM2.5+ and connecting a 3g mobile router to the Pi to get my long range control that way, will this work?

im still looking into if its possible to load mission planner onto the Pi or how i could get the raspberry pi with the mobile router working with the AMP.

any ideas or input would be great !

thanks guys!!!

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