I just don't seem to be getting very good range with the stock radios, and I would like to try longer antenna.  I know/think that they currently have 2dbi antenna, so must I look for something with the same dbi?  I'm just looking for a cheap'ish, off the shelf solution. I have the 3DR 915mhz radios, with the ground station plugged into a Nexus 7 tablet.  Connects to Iris+.

Would using a laptop as the ground station boost the ground station radio power at all?

A link, or any other info that would help me pick my own, would be highly appreciated.

Also,  does anyone know where to get a cable that comes with the 3DR radios?  I'm not totally sure what it's called.  The one with the blue end :p I've seen the term OTG, but this doesn't look like what I find on Amazon/E bay.

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  • Using a laptop isn't going to make any difference.

    No you don't have to use the same dBi antenna. I bought a 5dBi antenna off eBay (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/271839321875), and initial range tests suggest that it's legitimate, it increased signal strength, not sure how much it will translate into increased range though.

    Next cheapest option would be to put the antenna and radio up on a mast, to get it up off the ground.

    After that you would have to look at getting some higher power radios, like the RFD900.

  • Thanks Steve! I looked at the 3DR site, and just missed it I guess!

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