Hello everyone,
I am moving to Vancouver BC from Texas in a few months and am beginning a job search in the sUAS industry. Where else to start than here?
I would really like to do something full time or even part time with a company that is involved in sUAS. I own an Iris and have been experimenting with missions and whatnot for about a year, but am far from an expert. I am very passionate about this technology and have a deep appreciation for what it will do for the world in the future. Getting my foot in the door is the goal, even if that means taking a very low position and working my way up while I create a better foundation for being successful in this industry. Any help will be much appreciated! I can send a resume over PM if you like. Thanks!
can we speak? Looking for someone who is good with IRIS+ and passionate about drones.
mail me at subakumaran@live.com