Looking for Help / Advise

Hi All,
Working on my first custom build.
Daya 550 Alien
SunnySky v3508 580KV motors
HobbyWing X-Rotor 40A OPTO ESC
Turnigy Heli-UBEC 5A
CC3D Flight Controller
FrSky Taranis X9D Plus Transmitter
FrSky X8R Receiver
Turnigy 5.0 4cell LiPo

Frame is built, motor's, ESC's, Flight Controller and Receiver all setup.
Transmitter is configured and bound to the Receiver.
CC3D is setup and I have run the Hardware and Transmitter setup (everything setup properly).
Set my arm to Yaw/Right and saved.
power cycled everything

When I disconnect from the computer and try to arm and power up (no props on), I get nothing, I can see on the CC3D that I am armed (rapid blue flashing light), but the motor's do not spin.
I though it may be that the transmitter/receiver may have unbound and reset that up, I've gone through the entire process 3 times now but still the same thing.

Any Help/Advice would be most welcome at this point.

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  • I am also building a Daya 550 as my first quad... 

    Daya Alien 550

    MarsPower MX4108 380KV motors

    2-4S 40Amp SimonK firmware ESC's (replacing one out with T-Motor 40Amp 2-6S ESC as the origional was bad)

    5A UBEC

    APM2.8 and UBlox 8N GPS/Compas Module

    FRSKY I10 Transmitter with 10CH reciever

    Turnigy 4S 5.0 5000mah battery

    Like you, Frame is built, motors and ESC in place and wired properly(except for the ESC that I am waiting on the replacement for) Transmitter configured and 6 modes available via 3position and 2 position switches. APM configured and calibrated. Like you, all set up properly. I also could not arm my motors. My APM is giving the arming error Check Mag Field... Looks like I need to re-calibrate my compas and/or move my GPS/Compass Module. My Point is, check to make sure that you are not failing the Pre-Arm checklist somewhere. I am not all that familiar with the CC3D Flight Controller but the APM 2.x goes through an extensive Pre-Arm checklist and if it fails any of the criteria you cannot arm the motors. 

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