Looking for input on my layout

I am looking for some feedback as to how I plan to layout the essentials for my easy star. I will be adding video and a gumstix in front canopy. However, how I have it setup now it seems with my main battery adjustable under the wing I can move the cg around. Does there appear to be anything that sticks out immediately as going to cause interference? I just have everything taped together now. All the components are broadcasting on different channels. The Futaba RX is just a fill in until I receive my ordered long-range UHF setup.

Xbee 900
Video 1.3
gumstix 2.4

Above is how I layed out the ardu and my rx and further in the nose is a battery for the video

Here on the left side I have the Z sensor and my ESC

Along the top here I have my XY sensor and the GPS module.

This is the right side with the XBee module

Thanks for any input and the reason I chose the places I did was just from a collaboration of trying to find others build photos. 

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