Looking for lots of help!

Hello - My 3DR quad-rotor copter is my first RC experience and I'm completely stumped.  I've tried reading everything online and I've visited my local RC club - but I need some real 1:1 help to diagnose whats wrong with my setup. 

Is someone out there that could work with me over the phone or in person (I'm in Fremont, CA) on a consulting basis - probably for a few hours?  I think my Ardupoilot 2.5 hardware is not working properly, but I have no real idea.  I get lots of strange beeps from my motors- almost something different every time I plug in my battery.   Also, I never see my transmitter/receiver graphical sliders working inside Mission Planner when I move the levels 



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  • A picture is worth a thousand words Patrick, you should put up a couple of your current set ups wiring etc.


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