Loosing altitude while trying to fly a mission

I flew 4 missions today 1 I would consider somewhat successfull.  I have tried using both APMPlanner and HK GCS.

I planned and loaded the missions verifying altitudes of waypoints and altitude of my home possition everything looks good.  I write them to the APM and then selected read...just to make sure everything is set as it is supposed to.

I took off in manual, switched to FBW_B the plane flies as it should but constantly gains altitude.  I brought the plane back down to 200 ft AGL selected AUTO the plane then navigates directionaly towards the waypoint but drops altitude, I let it continue until about 20 ft AGL.

On the 3rd attempt while using HK GCS I set all of the waypoints at 400 ft AGL and set the home location at the same altitude as the waypoints.  When switched to AUTO the plane flew the course of 4 waypoints in a bow tie, returned to home and then started loosing altitude.  Selected restart mission while the plane was in the air switched back to AUTO and started loosing altitude again.

Any suggestions?

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  • Paul,  Sorry for my ignorance, but where is: "File, Settings" located in Mission Planner?



  • 3D Robotics
    Are you sure you didn't check the Absolute Alt box in the Mission Planner? If you post a screen shot of your Mission Planner with the mission plan on it, I may be able to spot the problem.
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