I was wondering if there are known cases of amateur UAV's which have LORAN-C navigation rather than GPS or in combination with GPS.


Thanks for any info, i am interested in accuracy, bandwidth, computational complexity and last but not least, indoor or urban (between buildings) performance.


Jan van Hulzen 

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  • You can use a precise (+-2cm) Indoor "GPS": http://marvelmind.com/.

    Here a couple of demos:

  • LORAN was phased out since GPS was finer coordinates and LORAN required very large antenna's running major kilowatts. So large of KW's you could hear the transmission in the air when a couple blocks away from the antennas.

    It would take some developing to use the same principal using AM broadcast staions with a NDB style of computing from the coordinates of those AM antennas. You still wouldn't have fine measurements and be bulky since the AM NDB antenna's would be the largest part. A few million dollars and possibly an INS navigation system could maybe be made to keep accuracy for a limited length of time good enough for your requirements.

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