Lots Missing on Flight Planner Page in MP 1.2.6

Hi Michael,

Just downloaded MP 1.2.6 and see that many features appear to be missing on the Flight Planner page.  I can't get live maps, it's defaulting to cached maps.  When I switch map providers, nothing happens.  I am connected to the internet.  Also, the button that allows to precache maps is missing.

Do I need to change a setting?

As always, thanks for the help.

Sorry if this was posted already.  I did a cursory search, but didn't see it.

Take care,

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  • Hi Michael,

    It looks like "Rotate Map" and "Measure Distance" might be broken as well.


  • Hi Michael,

    I installed 1.2.6 on another PC and live maps is not working there either.  Both the laptop and PC are running Windows 7, 64 bit.  I still have the same issue with sim mode as well in that GPS data from X-Plane 10 will show up on the sim page in MP, but when I attempt to set the home position on the flight planner page, the message comes up that says "If you are at the field..."

    I'll drop back to 1.1.92 for now as that's been working pretty good and will test updates as the come.


  • Thanks guys.  I see it now.  Lots of new things to learn.  Is there a readme file that goes along with the updates?  I'm feeling a little silly at the moment that I didn't catch these updates.


  • 3D Robotics

    Paul, live maps are working for me. Precache has moved to right-click/maptool

  • Developer

    please right click

    the map provider i will need to fix.

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