
Im a final year aerospace engineering student at the University of Manchester and am researching into systems for a UAV. Im after a magnetometer for the detection of anomalies really rather than navigation but am struggling to find anything, ive stumbled across a couple but theres very little information. I was wondering if anyone knows anywhere were i can find magnetometers with specs including dimensions and mass and cost although cost is of least importance at the momentThanks

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  • One interesting application would be a super sensitive, custom coil which was fixed to the aircraft. The aircraft would travel to a location & fly a pattern which oriented itself on the axes you wished to detect. That might even give better attitude estimates than an IMU if it wasn't for wind.

    Really, magnetometers on any small UAV suck. It's either high current wires or engine magnetos right next to magnetometers. Maybe a magnetometer equipped glider.
  • 3D Robotics
    Just a note that if you're using a magnetometer on board a moving aircraft, you need to tilt-correct it.
  • Check out these sensors from parallax:
    There is a magnetometer module in the compass & gps section.
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