Magnetometer drift

I calibrated the Mag with the CLI till the numbers didnt change.

When I watch the artificial horizon, the heading drifts.

Over 5 minutes the heading shifts 45 deg.

I set the declination to 6 decimal points to see if that helped.


Could this be related to the 220k resistor problem? 

I havent unsoldered and removed it as yet.

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  • Heres a hint. Dont try to configure a mag when your in a room with multiple computers and hi tech equ.

    I'll check it when the temp rises above zero.

    Thanks guys...

  • Hows this?


    #ifdef IsMAG

    #define MAGORIENTATION  AP_COMPASS_COMPONENTS_DOWN_PINS_FORWARD    // If you have soldered Magneto to IMU shield in WIki pictures shows

    #define DECLINATION -13.81666


    Also activated in the configurator


  • Developer
    I agree with Sebastian.  Make sure you have actually enabled the magnetometer in the code.  Just because the CLI test works does not mean that DCM is using the magnetometer for yaw drift correction.
  • are you sure you enabled it in the code?

    sounds like the gyro drifting

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