make an Arducopter with an arduino

Hi ,

I am fascinated by model airplanes and more particularly the drone

I have 5 drones

2 DJI Wookong, 1 DJI Naza, 1 Mikrokopter and 1 MultiWii

and I wanted to try the arducopter

and possess several arduino, I wonder if it was not possible to put arduicopter in a arduino (Nano ,Mega) .

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  • Hi,

    Well yes you can do that, but it will be much more difficult than it is worth. And more expensive than just buying an APM board.

    You need to connect all the sensors, and not all are available on breakout boards (an MPU-6050 breakout cannot replace the MPU-6000, for example). You will need to wire up a board to hold the extra smaller atmega that does USB and PPM encoding - or alternatively know what you have to know how to go without it. You will need level converters for SPI and I2C too.

    Arduino Nano is too small. Mega2560 is the only one that has space for the software, and only just enough.

    Multiwii is made for DIY hacking!! It can be tweaked to run on just about anything, and mostly without coding just configuration. That's the most rewarding firm to take if you want to try home made hardware.

    If you want to buy a board for Ardupilot you might want to get a PX4/Pixhawk of the newer generation.



  • wow big fan, I only have one frone, very interesting

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