Mapping plane frame

I used to fly with nex5 on x-uav talon and canon s100 on skywalker 1900, but as i decided to renew airframes, found out that none of them available on ghe market.

What frames are new on the market instead of talon and skywaker? With wide fuselage and 45-65 dm3 wing area? Can't find anything in stocks...

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    TuffWing UAV Mapper - Aerial Mapping Drone
    • Wing is absolutely not as stable..
  • The wide fuselage Skywalker is still sold.
    • Skywalker fuselage is not that wide for nex 5 - in talon I can put it top forward - that way less waypoints, more coverage on one battery.. X-uav seems to be producing talon max, but I can't find at resellers.
      • The link I sent is to the widebody Skywalker. Mine fits a Sony NEX-7 inside a roll gimbal.
        • Nice model Iskess; fuse is wider than traditional one?

          • Yes, the New Skywalker with carbon fiber tailboom was introduced in 2013 with a much wider fuselage. Same as the 3DR Aero and Event38 airframes.
            • thank's

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