Hello guys,

i was looking for a software to make the calibration of my data and i found the magmaster develloped by YURI, i was looking to the open source code and i don't understand some stuff, i don't know if someone did already understood the code of the magmaster,

I'd like to know how did he done to have the rotation matrix: 

because i saw that the rotation matrix on his code is in the form of: 

            // Rotation matrix--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------            // rotation_matrix[a][b], a - number of the rows, b - number of the columbs         

  rotation_matrix[0] = new double[3];            rotation_matrix[1] = new double[3];            rotation_matrix[2] = new double[3];         

  //Deviding by main value, for example for X axis - deviding by X coordinate, for Y axis by Y coordinate, for Z axis by Z cordinate           

rotation_matrix[0][0] = Xvector[0] / Xvector[0]; rotation_matrix[0][1] = Yvector[0] / Yvector[1]; rotation_matrix[0][2] = Zvector[0] / Zvector[2];  rotation_matrix[1][0] = Xvector[1] / Xvector[0]; rotation_matrix[1][1] = Yvector[1] / Yvector[1]; rotation_matrix[1][2] = Zvector[1] / Zvector[2];            rotation_matrix[2][0] = Xvector[2] / Xvector[0]; rotation_matrix[2][1] = Yvector[2] / Yvector[1]; rotation_matrix[2][2] = Zvector[2] / Zvector[2];            //Matrix inversion            rotation_matrix = InvertMatrix(rotation_matrix);

I know that in the rotation matrix we find cos and sin but in his rotation matrix he works with the coordonate of vector so i don't understand. 

can someone explain me please.

sorry for my bad english. 

Thank you in advance 


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