Mavlink Packet

Hi,I was trying to read the packets send by Mission Planner GCS to the board after establishing Mavlink connection. One packet that is repeatedly coming isFE 09 CF 33 44 A6 00 00 00 00 9D 99 00 19 43 1D 99As far as I know A6(166 in dec) corresponds to msg ID. In the mavlink msg set specification there is no message which corresponds to message ID #166. Does anybody know what this packet is??Thanks in advance

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  • Hi,
    There is another message RADIO_STATUS with id #109. It has also the same input arguments (like noise, rssi etc) as the message with id #166. What is the difference between the two messages??
  • Developer

    A6 =


    and is generated from the 3dr radios. not MP

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