I am going to be working on an engineering senior design project where we want to use around 12 servos (all independent) to control a bio inspired fish.  Will I be able to Have 12 channels from this board?  I know that it has at least 8 dedicated channels but is there a way to get 12 channels? 

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  • Yes, but you may have to solder more traces (or wires) very carefully from the MEGA2560. The pwm outputs currently used are:

        case 0:  OCR1B=pwm; break;  // out1
        case 1:  OCR1A=pwm; break;  // out2
        case 2:  OCR4C=pwm; break;  // out3
        case 3:  OCR4B=pwm; break;  // out4
        case 4:  OCR4A=pwm; break;  // out5
        case 5:  OCR3C=pwm; break;  // out6
        case 6:  OCR3B=pwm; break;  // out7
        case 7:  OCR3A=pwm; break;  // out8
        case 9:  OCR5B=pwm; break;  // out10
        case 10: OCR5C=pwm; break;  // out11

    So it looks like you could add a few more pwm outputs like OC0A, OC2A, OC2B, OC5A to your APM_RC_APM2.cpp file.

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