Measuring Piles Indoors

I work for a grain cooperative that has a large number of Flat Buildings. For those unfamiliar, flat storage is literally a big empty building that has grain piled to the top. My task has been to use a Phantom 3 Pro to measure the grain in the buildings. My two-options are to find a software that measures piles of grain(very tough with limited head space(3 to 4 feet)), or to find an application that measures the distance the drone flies to the pile. Right now the company spends a lot of man hours to have people walk down the buildings and physically measure the piles. I've been working on this for about a month and am clueless. Please help!!!

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  • Hi, it's me again. Just seen this new blog (below link) that might be of inspiration. Overkill though, far far more than what we need here. Just imagine to put that cam on your drone. Theoretically... would do the job, eh?
    Okay, I know, you need a workable solution...
  • Hi, Very very interesting challenge! This job is giving a lot of additional value to why people should develop things like drones, or equipment that drones can carry.

    To better understand your project, I would suggest to possibly provide more details on the job. I understand there are several storage buildings, which have same or individual sizes, a flat floor and flat ceiling and flat or cylindric walls (or any other defined shape), those are filled partly with a grain pile that has a non-flat surface shape on the top.

    The buildings are what size, what shape? I understand those are not like towers.

    The surface of the grain pile is a complex shape? Or, can it be assumed a simple math 3D curve like parabolic or something? (In my mind, when all grain is poured in from a single point, it becoming the top of pile, and the surface is relatively a simple 3D curve)

    Does the pile always meet the side walls, so there is a certain height at the walls? If you just need to measure the top height and the grain heights at the side walls, then it is probably easier task (vs accurate 3D mapping). Just need to do some math for the volume calculations, based on these known parametres.

    Alternatively, are you aiming to 3D-map the surface? Seeking some photograpic or ultrasonic or other means of measuring / 3D mapping? Do you want to achieve certain accuracy?

    Let me jump to some fundamentals.
    What is your intended achievement by using the drone? Do you just want to cut walking time, just replacing human walk with drone faster accessing destinations? Sure, a drone can view from above without climbing up stairs.

    Or, is it your aim to increase accuracy a lot? Needless to say, 3D mapping is beyond scope of human walk.

    In addition, I believe there are a few things you are considering besides focussing on measuring.

    Room of manouvering for drone seems pretty small (1m). Technology should assist height/distance stabilization of the copter.

    When flying so close to the grain, dust might be an issue for your sensitive aircraft, lifetime of the motors, or clarity of the camera lens can be affected.

    Potentially obstacles down from the ceiling or from walls, like lamp/vent ducts etc. might be another issue.

    Just thinking "loudly". Please tell me if I'm raising too many questions, as you mentioned you are already one month in the project :-)
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