Mediatek MT3329 GPS Protocol


Hello all,

I bought a MT3329 GPS in 11/08/2010 and later another one in 1/26/2011. For my surprise the binnary protocal is different. The first one starts with a header 0XB5,0X62, 0x01, 0X05. The latest one the preamble header ix 0XD0, 0XDD and a Payload byte  that I di not understand very well.  The order of the data bytes is also different. I already did some small programs using the first protocol, so, I wanted keep the same. Can I change the firmware version to go back to the same protocol?


I think the I read some were that we could program the type of the protocal at the sartup. Lets say that I want binnary @115200 baudrate. Can you please confirm if it is possible to do this? This way we only need one RX channel to read the GPS and a TX channel to send the decoded data to other system insted of have two UARTS one to set up the protocol (binnary and the baud rate) and the TX of other UART to send the decoded data to other system.


Can you please help and clarify my doubts and help to change the protocol?


Thanks in advance.




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  • Not sure how exacltly it works, but have a look at this zip. It has an utility to configure and test the GPS.

    Since the MTK has a custom firmware for diydrones, I'm not totally sure it will work but worth a try.




  • Follow this link for the firmware update. Not sure if there is a link for firmware downgrade though....

    GPS firmware update


    These are the commands I know that are used in the  AP/AC code:


    MTK_SET_BINARY "$PGCMD,16,0,0,0,0,0*6A\r\n"

    MTK_SET_NMEA "$PGCMD,16,1,1,1,1,1*6B\r\n"


    MTK_OUTPUT_1HZ "$PMTK220,1000*1F\r\n"

    MTK_OUTPUT_2HZ "$PMTK220,500*2B\r\n"

    MTK_OUTPUT_4HZ "$PMTK220,250*29\r\n"

    MTK_OTUPUT_5HZ "$PMTK220,200*2C\r\n"

    MTK_OUTPUT_10HZ "$PMTK220,100*2F\r\n"


    MTK_BAUD_RATE_38400 "$PMTK251,38400*27\r\n"


    I'm sure you can find more on the internet... :)



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