I've spent the majority of my Saturday trying to get my APM to control a plane in X-plane. I first set everything up according to the instructions from the manual. All seemed to go fine. I got into X-plane and control surfaces all moved, just needed to be reversed. Got distracted by something and left my desk. Came back, went to check my email and internet connection was gone, but my main wireless network adapter was still connected to my router. So, looked at network adapters to see what was going on, found the MS Virtual Miniport Adapter, a couple of wirless networks not in use, deleted them, rebooted and got my internet connection back. Went to try X-plan sim again and bam, no control  surface movement.

So, that is where I'm still at now. No control surface movement. I can see that there is output from my APM, I've got the sim firmware loaded on my APM, MAVlink connection is fine, ports are set at 45000 and 45005 respectively; ip address set to One thing that happens often is if I stop the SIM link and try to restart it again I get this error message: 

"Socket setup problem. Do you have this open already? System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoBind(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Bind(EndPoint localEP)   at ArdupilotMega.GCSViews.Simulation.SetupUDPRecv()   at ArdupilotMega.GCSViews.Simulation.ConnectComPort_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)11:18:22 NO SIM data - 2011:18:22 NO SIM data - 2011:18:22 NO SIM data - 20"

Then I change the port numbers and the SIM link will successfully connect again, but can't move any control surfaces. My guess is that it's a network issue, but I'm not sure what the correct network setup should be regarding the MS Virtual WiFi Miniport adapter, if that's even part of the issue. I've looked around quite a bit on the forums and haven't found a similar problem. Most of the time when it's a control surface issue, not moving, it's because the person didn't have the correct ports set. In my case I do have the correct ports set.

I'm on com3, baud rate 115200. I've tested this out with APM Mission Planner versions .66, .86, and the most recent version 1.0.87. It won't work with any of them. So, I'm thinking it has to either be an issue with X-plane or something to do with the ports on my pc or virtual networking or something. Any help with this issue would be much appreciated.

Here is a video of the issue: 

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  • Developer

    reboot your pc and try again

  • This is what I'm getting in Terminal view after I've loaded Adupilot V2.23 or V2.24 HIL. I've also looked at this with CLI on and off. I assumed it was because I had forgotten to turn it off before, but that wasn't the case.


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