Might be a nice new toy - FEZ Domino




  • Based on Microsoft's .NET Micro Framework

  • Runs on 72Mhz NXP ARM processors

  • Pin compatible with Arduino

  • Shield Compatable

  • It's freakin' easy to use!

More grunt for control loops, and pin compatible with Arduino shields. Looks like a winner to me.

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  • Hi

    I have one open source flying platform also based on Arduino !

    Would you mind check it , http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/Crazyflie-20-p-2103.html

    If you need some Grove ,sheld and Xadow , I can help:-)

  • For me as a software guy the FEZ ("Freakin' Easy!") approach seems to have some advantages over the Arduino:
    - Decent IDE
    - Supports runtime debugging
    - Supports threading

    So what are the disadvantages of the .NET Micro Framework, the USBizi chipset and the FEZ embedded system (I know there is some Microsoft technology involved)?
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