MinimOSD - Not displaying all the data


This is my second MinimOSD. First one is working good on my tri.

When I configured the second one using the GUI Tool...all looks good. Saves changes to OSD and says done. When I first turn it on, there is no data displayed. The video is working...just no OSD display.

If I push the reset button, it will display the Satellite and the GPS Lock in the bottom left of the screen but nothing else.

My other OSD works on both APM's, and this one doesn't work on either. They are both running the same firmware.

Anyone have any ideas.




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  • I also had a problem with MinimOSD


    When I was useing a separated BEC (5A), and moved more than 2 servos, all data disappeared.

    Than i connected my ESC-s BEC (2A) everything was as it should.


    Do not really understand, what is happening. :) 


  • Developer

    try doing a firmware and font update on it, just to make sure.

  • I'm in the same boat Ross. Worked fine when I first installed it, then I got the FTDI cable and changed the data layout, saved it etc. Now it won't overlay anything. I'll have a play though, and keep you posted!



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