Hello everyone,

  I am near completion of a large octocopter build. My partner with the octocopter has requested we have OSD telemetry which from experience is easiest done with an APM 2.5 by using a minimOSD.

My issue is however the APM 2.5 is mounted on the octocopter frame while all the video gear is mounted on the gimbal so we can continually 360 degree rotate the gimbal without wires getting wound up.

So I was wondering if there is a way to send the APM 2.5 telemetry signal to the minimOSD via bluetooth, wireless, etc., if we mount the minimOSD on the gimbal, so we can continue to have the gimal able to rotate 360 degrees? Or is there a completely different way, a different system to the minimOSD, I could be doing it?



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  •   One more scheming idea - Do You must have the OSD "in the air"?

    If You have a downlink for ground control, then You can use the same MAVlink stream to feed a OSD, placed between the video *receiver* and monitor/googs.

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