Mission compted in air leads to crash

On the Wiki page for Auto mode there is description of what should happen when Mission completes in air. It should switch to Loiter.

However in my experience, upon completing mission, copter will switch to Stabilize mode and follow the throttle. If throttle is down, it will just drop as a stone. Is it documented behaviour?

My Flight modes set-up: 1-5 Stabilize, 6 - Auto. Firmware Arducopter 2.6

Wiki (http://code.google.com/p/arducopter/wiki/AC2_AutoMode):

>Once the mission script is complete, the copter will not fly home.

>It will simply Loiter at the last script location until you regain control through the mode switch.


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  • 3D Robotics

    No, when the mission is complete, it will loiter or land (I can't remember which is the default). (Tested on 2.7; you should upgrade!). 

    Have you tested your alt-hold and auto-land functions?

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