I have run into an issue on the most recent mission planner update. It does not occur when rolling back the software to previous versions. When attempting to geotag photos from the DataFlash log from a pixhawk I get an error message and a really odd offset. It appears that the "geotagger" is reading the gps time stamp incorrectly and sees it as some time in the year 1980. Any fixes for this issue?

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  • Rolling back the numbers helped, however, I cannot geotag the MSL elevation to the photos. It will only allow me to geotag with AGL altitudes regardless of the settings. Thanks again for your support!
  • 3702068001?profile=originalThis is the error message that I keep getting.

    • Developer

      the numbers on the fields has change in this version of mission planner.

      decrease all of them by one.

      this is to get ready for the new code release

      • Hi Michael,

        Just FYI. Changing the "GPS Message Offsets" values back to the old default fixed the problem with tagging by "Time offset". But the "System.FormatException" is still there when using "CAM Message Synchro".


      • Could you please elaborate on which fields? I tried decreasing all of them and continue to get the same error as above when I try to estimate offset.

        • Looking at the release note there was a change made to fix the issue #946. If you visit this link "https://github.com/diydrones/MissionPlanner/issues/946" you would see that all the fields in the "GPS Message Offsets" has been incremented by one in the second screenshot which is the default values for the current release v1.3.31. I think Michael was taking about those fields.

          I changed the "GPS Message Offsets" values back to the old default (Decrease by one) and tagging by "Time offset" works now but still error for the "CAM Message Synchro".


  • I got the same issue too. After upgrading to v1.3.31 it's no longer able to do the "Pre-process" of geo reference image. I've tried using both the time offset and CAM message Synchro. It says "No GPS match in the log file. Please take care" while choosing Time offset. It throws error when selecting CAM message Synchro (See the attached screenshot, "Sync by cam message.png", for detail).

    None of the above mentioned issues occurred after downgrading the Mission Planner back to v1.3.30. The Arducopter firmware used to generate the dataflash log is v3.2.1

    Sync by cam message.png

  • 3dr X8 's with arducopter 3.2.1. I thought it might be something wrong with the gps receiver, but have encountered the problem on multiple units as well as on older files that worked perfectly with previous software versions.
  • Developer

    what vehicle type? and what version are you running?

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