Mission Planner 1.3.9 Hanging on Update

I'm sure I have had this problem a while back, but can't recall if it was a software bug or something else.

Anyhow, after updating Mission Planner to the latest update (1.3.9) it hangs if I perform a manual "CHECK FOR UPDATE" and if I load the INITIAL SETUP and INSTALL FIRMWARE, it displays the "There was an unexpected error" message.

Any ideas what the issue maybe.

MP is allowed through virus and firewall protection and displays the same error even if they are temporarily turned off.

Many thanks,


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          • Developer

            here is a ms article about it



            • 3702870814?profile=originalThanks Michael.

              I have tried all-sorts but still failing.  APMPlanner2 works without issue, but I prefer MP.

              I even installed an old version which started the update process fine, but then stopped displaying the below error.

              Are you 100% its something my end and not an error in the program.

              Thanks again.

              • Developer

                for an older version check here


                • Developer

                  if it was a programing issue, I would see a lot more cases of it, which I don't.


                  the only thing I can think is the system proxy is not working. and you use something like chrome etc that hides that.


                  does internet explorer work?

                  • 3702938007?profile=originalMichael,

                           I am seeing the same symptoms as Tissy on Mission Planner 1.3.9 on my Desktop and Netbook. The Desktop is running Windows/7 Home 64bit and the Netbook is running Windows/XP. I have Microsoft .Net 4 installed on both. In the folder C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework I have these sub-folders: v1.0.3705, v1.1.4322, v2.0.50727, v3.0, v3.5 and v4.0.30319.

                    I enclose a screen-shot and the file: "MissionPlanner.log" in the hope that you can resolve this problem for me.

                    Regards, Chris.


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