Mission Planner "ADD POI"


Anyone know what "Add POI" feature does on Mission Planner. On the flight data screen if you right click you can add or delete a POI. How is this different from ROI, which I'm familiar with...?

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  • When the mission program gets to the set POI cmd, the ship will face that point as the ship travels to the next waypoints. Set POI to location 0,0 to free the ship back to normal.

    • Rick, the action you are describing is the cmd Do-Set-ROI (region of interest), what Dennis is inquiring about is POI (point of interest).

      • You are correct, Rejean. I was cornfused between the two. I noticed that POI do not clear when you do Clear Mission, so it might be good for remembering where one survey left off as you draw another.

        Any idea why I have lost spline waypoints on 2 of my 3 computers running MP? I have seen where this has happened to someone in the past, but no followup if there was a solution.

        • I have yet to try a mission with spline paths in between waypoints, are you saying that when you re-load a text mission file on MissionPlanner that the waypoint data totally disappears on the screen or just that the path is now straight vs being curved, or is it simply that the option is missing in the menu list?

          • It was not available in the list of choices, and if I selected the spline radio button, or brought in a mission with splines, they were changed to waypoints at 0,0, off the coast of western Africa. Spline waypoints save a lot of flight time on surveys.

            Today, a new update for MP was released, and it fixed the spline problem on one of my computers. Total uninstall and reinstall does not help. I even delete what MP leaves behind after uninstall, and I have even cleared its entries from the registry, to no avail. This is a pisser. I used these all of the time.

  • I don't think its a cmd but simply a means to mark a point of interest on the map as a future reference point that you might want to circle, view, take pics, etc...

    • Thanks Rejean

      Makes sense. 

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