Mission Planner and Xbee Telemetry

Well, got my xbees set up yesterday on my Ardu - Hexacopter. She is starting to look like a beast with the following addons :


Stabilised camera mount with GoPro camera

Video TX and its aerial

Xbee with Aerial

6-sided gps dome arms, but no gps tray (still cutting it)

led striplights on each leg.


Must say that Mission planner is now such a pleasure to use with LIVE telemetry.

Mavlink connects SO quicly now, its a non-event

Spent about 5 minutes tweeking my Yaw pid's and shes flying really sweetly now.


The xbees were a ~little~ tricky to set up, just follow the instructions on the Wiki (May need slight updating) and youre away in 10 or so minutes.


next on the menu : may try to push the xbees to 115200 baud, still deciding if i wanna do the "dirty" setup with arduino. Prefer the Planner at present.


Also going to try and get APM working missions on the 3.5m wingspan trainer this weekend again. With the xbees, I might be able to see on the planner why the plane flops about instead of following the plan.


PS. Michael  :Feature request : Is there a way you can include a "ruler" so we can measure the distance between 2 points on the planner screen? This will make life so much easier when making tracks or deciding where a waypoint must go. Something perhaps where you click on point A, then move the mouse and it will display the distance from point A to the cursor in meters somewhere on the screen.








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  • Developer
    ill see what i can do wessie. i will probly add a right click method for messureing between to points
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