Just built my first arducopter and am having a bit of trouble getting lift off. Using an ardupilot 2.6 with mission planner 1.3.5, a DX8 transmitter and AR8000 receiver. I am able to arm the copter. When I throttle up to say 10% the motors increase RPM slightly. The issue is when I continue to increase the throttle I get no increase in RPM. If I move the elevator/aileron stick around the copter tries to respond accordingly (various motors increase and decrease RPM). However the throttle still seems to only have 2 settings, low, and very low. 

In mission planner once the display switches to "Armed" it still has "FAILSAFE" displayed in large red letters. I've spent hours trying to find a similar issue on google but all it keeps giving me is "throttle failsafe setup" which I have also checked and rechecked. 

Any insight into this issue would be greatly appreciated. I'm still hoping its just something I've overlooked and not an actual problem. Thanks!!

2014-07-06 00.46.17.jpg

2014-07-06 00.46.28.jpg

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  • The failsafe message seems to only come up when im using the wireless link. Battery voltage test failing at less than 4.5v. If i actually test the battery it shows ~8.2V. If i connect with the usb cable the failsafe message goes away and the battery voltage test passes. 

    This line seems to relate to my issue "Test: Empty = FAIL - Empty log? Throttle never above 20%" 

  • Seem to be making a bit of progress. Got the big red "FAILSAFE" message to go away when the copter is armed. Still having the throttle issue. I was able to create a new log and download it. Opening it with log analyzer gives this information. 

    Log File C:/Program Files (x86)/Mission Planner/logs/2014-07-06 16-32-52 1.log
    Size (kb) 220.2978515625
    No of lines 3593
    Duration 0:00:00
    Vehicletype ArduCopter
    Firmware Version V3.1.5
    Firmware Hash 3c57e771
    Hardware Type APM 2
    Free Mem 1202
    Skipped Lines 0

    Test: Brownout = PASS -
    Test: Compass = PASS - mag_field interference within limits (0.57%)

    Test: Dupe Log Data = PASS -
    Test: Empty = FAIL - Empty log? Throttle never above 20%
    Test: Event/Failsafe = PASS -
    Test: GPS = FAIL - Min satellites: 0, Max HDop: 99.99         
    Test: Parameters = PASS -
    Test: PM = PASS -
    Test: Pitch/Roll = PASS -
    Test: Underpowered = PASS -
    Test: VCC = PASS -

  • Yup the ESCs have been calibrated several times successfully. Ill try the log.

    • So I went ahead and recalibrated the ESCs. I notice that after successful calibration. before the final reboot of the APM. the throttle demonstrates the full range. Enough to get liftoff. After reboot of the APM I'm back to seeing the original Issue. 

      Also i'm having a little trouble finding the correct log. I'm on the "DataFlash Logs" tab. and I've clicked the "log analysis" button. It presents a list of folders in the mission planner directory. I'm not sure where to go from here.

      • The Log bitmask is set to "Nearly All" in standard parameters. When I click "download dataflash log via mavlink" it gives me an error "cannot get log list". 

  • I've since reloaded the firmware. Recalibrated the accelerometers, recalibrated the compass, recalibrated the radio controls. all failsafes are set to disabled. no change. Occasionally the "FAILSAFE" message goes away only to come back once I arm the copter.

    perhaps a video would help?

    • 3D Robotics

      Have you calibrated your ESCs? That should resolve the throttle issue.

      In the MP log analysis window there is an option to have it do an automated report on your log. That will tell you why you're getting a Failsafe alert.

  • I have
  • 3D Robotics

    Did you go through the full setup process, including RC calibration?

This reply was deleted.


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