Mission Planner Feature Request for AP

This feature request would be geared primarily towards the aerial photographers out there.  Focusing on the laptop being the primary ground control station component, it would be nice to have a video input capture option as part of Mission Planner.  There are very limited applications that can do that currently w/ Windows.  I'm working on a physical setup for a laptop that would contain the pieces needed for telemetry and FPV using THIS for capture and analog to digital conversion from my video receiver.  It works w/ the included software, but is limited in how it can be windowed for example. 

Sometimes mission status is what's needed.  Sometimes, FPV is needed to frame a shot.  And, this might afford those flying FPV a bigger screen, and one that they probably already have.

- Mike

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  • Moderator

    You can underlay video on the HUD if that helps?

    • Really???!!  That would be awesome.  How is it getting the video feed?

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