Mission planner issue 1.2.22

Hi All, I just upgraded (not intentionally,.....hit enter without fully reading the text...!! just a thought here....can we have a check box under a menu for check for updates on startup??  PLEASE??!!!!) to 1.2.21,    I had major connection issues with .21 but .22 was out the next morning so I tried that and all working now.

I Went flying yesterday. 45 minutes of circuits overhead. I had a box setup with waypoints 1,2,3,4. Waypoint 5 was a jump_to waypoint 1 with a repeat of 10. The idea was endurance test and gain (nav) tuning on a X8 platform.

This all worked fine. Got to the end and still had plenty of battery left so thought I would restart mission. From this point on everything I tried would send it around the circuit, but only once and then go to loiter at home. I was expecting to see the jump_to 1 and repeat of 10 start again..

Am I missing something?  



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  • Can you post your mission in txt format? (attach the mission file)

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