Mission Planner - Script.SendRC() not working

Hi everyone,

I am trying to use the APM 2.5 board with the latest Mission Planner software to implement a payload dropping system into my design team's gas powered plane. 

I only need the APM board/Mission planner to gather flight data, and move a servo when the target is in range.

The problem is, when i try to run Script.SendRC(chan,pwm,sendnow), it doesn't work. It worked in previous versions, but i'm not exactly sure in which version the problem started. 

My APM2.5 board is powered from the output side, and the servo is located on output pin 5. I cannot seem to get the function to move the servo.

I've tried Script.SendRC(5,1500,True) but it doesn't work. I've also tried implementing a for loop to search multiple channels. It's confusing to me because it has always worked in the past, even with my odd setup.

Also, the servo tab located in flight data can control it properly, but I need to be able to move the servo via a python script.

Any ideas? Should I revert to an older version, or is the problem that my servo is located on the output pin side?

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  • Developer

    nothing has change in MP on this one in some time.

    is this for AC or AP

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