Mission Planner Servo Page Question

Have been troubleshooting an ESC calibration problem.  Have run many experiments and have an issue of ESC's not calibrating due to not seeing full throttle PWM.  Works fine with APM 2.8 controller.

Confused about servo page on MP.  When I go to full throttle to calibrate ESC's the 8 servo outputs are not uniform and decay after a few seconds.  I  think they are below what some of my ESC's are expecting to calculate the full throttle value.

Where does the data on this SERVO page come from?  I am speaking of the MIN, TRIM, MAX values.  The numbers in those fields make so sense.  For the 8 motors some of them have the same values in the TRIM and MAX fields.  I might be able to troubleshoot this further if I understood where the numbers in these fields are populated from.   I cannot use the ESC calibration function in MP.  I am able to use the manual method by selecting one of the motor ports that does go far enough to trigger the Full Throttle detection.

As a background, I can put all of the ESC's on the analog port #3 and all ESC's calibrate beautifully and the motors spin up smoothly and sound great.  In this case I am having to use the S-Bus port on the Pixhawk for channels 1-4. That is where I am getting the strange uneven and dying motor outputs from.   It also gives me the normal analog Ch3 port at the rep rate of 71 Hz.  I notice that the Pixhawk motor outputs are at near 400 Hz.  Have no idea why the ESC's need to be fed with this high a rep rate or if for some reason the ESC's dont like it.

Would be appreciated if someone can explain why in Stabilize mode, all 8 motors do no come up even to the max throttle values.  Also, where do the fields on the Servo Output page get populated from.


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