
  • Hello

    Thanks for the quick response!

    Now is the order of a mission plan
    it create?

    1. Open Google Maps (i need the internet)
    2. open ArduPilot Config
    3. Unplug the GPS
    4. unplug the X-Bee (aircraft and PC)
    5. FTDI cable plug
    6. adding the waypoints Config Program
    7. send

    Programing it is very difficult to waypoints!
    and I can in the course of the mission points
    Do not change!
    What options are there to make it easier?

    Does it work well as the waypoints manually
    In the Config. Program register?
    (Just look on Google Earth and adding)

  • Currently not, X-Bee transfer only down, no uplink.

    Sarel Wagner
  • 3D Robotics
    No, you can not upload data to ArduPilot with Xbee. The Rx line on the serial port is used by the GPS.
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