
  • Moderator

    To add or modify a mission you'll need to 'Write' the new mission and 'Restart' the mission (or click loiter/restart/auto after writing the new mission), if you want it to resume from a specific waypoint number you'll then need to "Set WP" number to the next required WP number just after restarting the mission. The WP's are stored onboard the FC and are not updated real time.

    • Is there anyway to do this without restarting the mission?

      • Developer

        you only need to restart, if you want to go to WP1. You can add a DO_JUMP command to go to a specific WP in the list.

        i.e. you could add DO_JUMP 5 after the current WP (e.g. 4), and it will jump to that specified WP

  • Developer

    you can modify the mission on APM while in a auto mode, the only thing to note is that the APM current WP cannot be changed. There is a 'fix' for this, but it's not in the current released FW.

    • Can I do the same in guided mode. As in, can I deviate the flight path slightly so that the plane doesn't exactly travel in a straight line from one waypoint to the next waypoint.

      My intention is to deviate from the predefined flight path, so can I do this using waypoints or without waypoints?

      • Developer

        Guided Mode is different. It goes to point you last sent.

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