Motor Kv size verses power

I have built several 650mm tarot quads and have stayed with what was working as far as motors go. I recently have been having issues in the wind with the drone not able to loiter in position and drifting. This only happens in winds 15 mph+. If I wanted to improve my quads wind performance. Would It be best to get  higher Kv motors or do I need to look at the power put out by the motors or both? Some motors are faster yet have the same power rating.... others have equal Kv yet offer higher power ratings.

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  • I just got back to my project. I had to move parents cross country. My drone  flies well in standard mode but when in loiter it gets jerky and somewhat noisy. It still flies but not like I would like. I have changed flight controllers, GPS's and motors. there is no vibration until I go to loiter or RTL. It has to be a setting in Mission planner but I cant find the answer. when I remove the Tiger MN4110 370kv motors and put Turunigy 4425 390kv it flies perfect. The extra weight or something is making the set up not fly well.

    Any suggestions are appriciated.


    Cala said:

    I build two tarots last year, wind gived me more than a headhache but now I hop, I winning the battle :) . Faster kv motors are better than low ones for wind, they have better reaction, that theory says, but my lower kv one was the first to fly with windy condition, It's more tunning job and well setup than kv, with no wind, everything flies, with wind, things change.

    Perhaps If you describe your setup, post photos, logs, others can help you to find your problem. Here you can see my Tarots, the second link finish in a Tarot too that now is flying fine in wind.

  • These are a few of my projects.




  • Thanks for the info. I am using 390 Kv turnigy motors and 17x5 carbon props. I can get around 40 min flight time with a 6600 battery. It just has difficulty in winds. I considered changing pitch parameters but I may just go for faster props. What do you think?
  • I build two tarots last year, wind gived me more than a headhache but now I hop, I winning the battle :) . Faster kv motors are better than low ones for wind, they have better reaction, that theory says, but my lower kv one was the first to fly with windy condition, It's more tunning job and well setup than kv, with no wind, everything flies, with wind, things change.

    Perhaps If you describe your setup, post photos, logs, others can help you to find your problem. Here you can see my Tarots, the second link finish in a Tarot too that now is flying fine in wind.

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Jun 30