Motor not spinning

I have a strange problem on my APM2 quadcopter. It is running lated code 2.4.1 It was working fine the first day, took it out in and flew with no problems. But today, I cannot get it to spin the motors.

I hear the normal ESC beeps, when I arm the motors with the throttle stick all the way down and right I see the LEDs blinking as it did before. The Red LED would then stay solid incdicating motors are armed. But there is no response by the motors when I increase the throttle.

So I connected the board to MP and can see MP indicates correct motor arming on screen. It can also see all the stick signals when I do calibration. I have also tried re-uploading the firmware 2.4.1 again. Nothing seems out of ordinary, except the motors won't spin. What could be the cause?

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  • Similar issue this evening, I did the transmitter calibration again and everything started working again. 

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